Thursday 22 August 2013

SBC Day 2: Kindergarten

Today I'm getting ready for Kindergarten.  Well, not me exactly.  M-Bear is starting in under 2 weeks.  I've got her back to school wardrobe done.  (I recommend shopping here.)  She has labels, indoor shoes, a new backpack and a cheque written for school supplies.  I love that her school buys in bulk and the teachers take from the storage closet as needed.
Most moms would be writing about the struggle they are going through letting their baby go.  And then there's me.  At this moment (I think that is KEY), I am perfectly fine with walking her down the street, giving her a hug and taking a picture for her scrapbook.  (Which I do not do, so let's just say for memories sake.)  I'm sending her out into that big giant world and I don't think I will shed a single tear or have a moment of hesitation.  Am I in denial or is something wrong with me?  Sure, I'll miss her for a few hours but I still get all afternoon with her.  I'll have some one-on-one time with Mini-D and/or take a nap and then she'll be back.  Am I too level headed?  Why on earth do I not feel like all the other mom's around me??

Other #SBC2013-ers:  Magz, Natasha, and April with more I'm sure!

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